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Visit to Waipu Museum


WINGS Visit to Waipu Museum

A group of ten Wings’ members with family visited the Waipu museum today and enjoyed the interesting, informative and interactive displays charting one of New Zealand’s greatest stories of migration from Scotland in the early 1800’s. It was humbling to learn of the hardships faced by so many early settlers who used their skills and courage to overcome the difficulties of travelling thousands of miles in sailing ships and setting up home in a distant land. With courage, steadfastness and the help of the local Maori, they built the thriving town of Waipu where thousands of their descendents still live today.

The migration of Norman McLeod and his followers

Many thanks to Fiona Mohr, Waipu Museum curator and Wings’ member for facilitating our visit. Our group met for lunch at the Cove restaurant dining ‘al fresco’ on a beautiful warm and sunny winter’s day. A few us took the opportunity to stroll along the beach afterwards, watching the Sunday afternoon surfers and enjoy the magnificent views at Waipu Cove.

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