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Hula Dance at WINGS Theme Night

Janette Morrison

Hula Dance at WINGS Theme Night

Our second general meeting of the year and what a cracker it turned out to be. Loads of fun for everyone.

The performance by Taramati's Hula team who came especially to show us their dancing skills was beautiful. When it was our turn to try out the dancing, everyone had brought something Hawaiian to wear whether it be a flower in their hair or a full-on grass skirt and coconut bra! It was all much appreciated and a good work out was had by everyone who participated.

It was great to be given a short lesson on the hula and some of the actions that go with the songs. There are many different types of hula but what we were given was a glimpse of the Hula auana or modern hula dance which uses western influenced music and has a very fluid modern style. Very entertaining. This is the most common and well known type of hula.

The Hula school is starting their next beginners class in May. For the ones who are interested can visit their website at for more details.

After the dancing had finished it was time for a snack or two. There were Hawaiian pizzas, cheese and pineapple segments, pineapple lumps (yum yum) and to top it all off a pineapple upside down cake what a treat besides all the other delicious treats members had brought with them to the meeting.

And so ended another successful meeting for the Wings Group.

See you next month.

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